Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Operation: Muffin-Top Reduction

 If you are a Seinfeld fan, you may remember the episode where Elaine and Kramer decide to go in to business selling ONLY the tops of muffins, because, as we all know, that's the best part! I can relate  to this because I did this very same thing all the time, to the great dismay of my mother. She'd come home to the "bottoms" of the muffins being left in the muffin tin.  Now, as it relates to the accumulation around my middle (especially after hitting the big 4-0), le'muffin top is no longer seen as 'the best part'. I remember taking a Pilates class once, and the instructor referred to our 'middle section' as "upholstery". I thought it was funny to define our excess as a type of fabric!

Muffin Top Prepare For Battle

So like many other Americans, I resolved to make some changes in the new year and declared that my own muffin top should prepare for battle. I was tired of how snug my clothes had become and how my blouses had started to accentuate my ' upholstery'. After all, I am just your average 45 year old, middle-aged mother of 2, with a busy life. (Did I mention I graduated from college with a degree in Corporate Fitness and at one time - pre children - I was teaching up to 12 aerobic classes a week?). Where, oh where, did my healthy figure go? I had good intentions to create a separate blog, sharing daily entries about my journey. But now that I'm already 41 days in to the project, maybe a simple entry to 'this' blog will suffice.

 My weight gain had crept on so subtley over the years, and before I knew it, I was carrying around an extra 30 pounds on my frame.  For a time I would blame it on the dreaded over forty rumors, where everyone warned me that my metabolism would come to a screeching halt! And let's not forget about how the hormones start to go hay wire.  Why on earth is hair starting to grow on my chin?  (now I understood where the phrase 'not by the hair of my chinny chin chin' came from.)  One day as I looked at myself, almost naked, in a clothing store changing room, I thought "I have done this to myself".  The extra rolls that were staring me back in the mirror came, simply, from two things:  1)  No longer exercising regularly and 2) overeating.  Plain and simple. Hormones S'moremones.  I had done this to myself and had gotten too comfortable with my less-active lifestyle.  My extra upholstery, to be truthful, came from too much of one thing (food) and not enough of another (exercise).  If I was going to prepare for battle, it was time for me to GET REAL!  No more excusing away what I knew needed to be done.  So,  the "Operation Muffin Top Reduction" project began on January 4, 2013.

Battle Mantra 'Just Do It!'

I am a big believer in tracking progress by writing things down.  Although it is always helpful to write down what you eat in a food log,  I prefer to track different things that I desire to work on.  For me, I am motivated to track my exercise, how much water I drink in a day and one new weekly goal each week. In my notebook, I not only write the date but also, what day it is on my journey.  Today marks day 41 for me.  This reminds me that ALL progress is gradual.  It takes time.  I see the consistency in my workouts and realize, over and over, that this journey is a marathon; not a sprint.  The extra 30 pounds didn't come on overnight.  It's not going to evaporate overnight.  It requires work. It requires discipline. It requires finding the positive in the little things, and using those little things to motivate you to continue in the process.

If I had a dollar for every time I repeated the Nike motto in my head ("Just Do It!"), I could afford a month's worth of Starbucks cappucinos.  In the beginning, tiredness or a 'to do list' would tempt me away from getting to the gym, but that quiet, smart voice encouraged me to 'just do it'.  Two things can be true about exercise; we never feel like going, but we always feel better afterward.  I reminded myself of this over and over.  Tape a note of encouragement to your bathroom mirror or on your car steeling wheel (or your forehead, if absolutely necessary)!  Do whatever it takes to get your butt (i.e. Gluteus Maximus) to the gym!  

Here are some words of wisdom that have encouraged me along the way:

  1.  Create an accountability group with 1-4 friends that desire to make healthy changes in their lifestyle. I have 3 other friends in my group, and we call ourselves the "Slim and Sassy Sistas".  I can't take credit for all of the name, as some of us our using a product called "Slim and Sassy" for our fruit smoothies. We created a private group on facebook, so that we could 'post' anything at anytime to each other. (For example: "I went to my first cardioboxing class today, and I am one, hot sweaty mess! But I feel awesome."  Then the other members can offer kudos of encouragement) Each friday, we are to post three things: 1) Any weight loss from that previous week 2) What our new weekly goal is (to be done for 7 days) and 3) Any positives or negatives from the week.  (For example: "I ate only 2 pieces of pizza tonight at my favorite restaurant"  OR "I am struggling to not eat past 6pm.  Tell me to stop it!") I am having a blast with my group, and they do TRULY hold me accountable, especially when I tell them I need an extra kick in the pants! They come through for me:)
  2. Track daily sugar grams.  An author who wrote a book on reducing belly fat, said that you should limit your sugar intake to 15 grams a day. One cup of skim milk had 12g of sugar; a can of tomato soup - 25g! Wow!  I am not legalistic about it, but I have cut down to one cup of coffee a day, to limit my flavored cream. Also, I switched to almond milk (great for smoothies) which has no sugar calories.  Read your labels. You'll be amazed to find that sugar is in almost everything, even ketsup, salad dressing, and soups, etc. 
  3. Take a specialty exercise class.  I payed an extra fee for these TRX (suspension training) classes, and I confess: I love and hate these classes all at the same time.  They kick my butt, but paying for something, motivates me to get there.  I am frugal by nature, and do not like wasting money. (Next session, I am giving 'kettlebells' a try:)
  4. Drink LOTS of water. Add lemon oil to enhance flavor.  Did you know that your livers primary function is to metabolize body fat?  And if your kidneys are not getting enough water each day to function at 100% efficiency, the liver wll kick in to help the kidneys do their job, thus working only partially at metabolizing fat in your body.
  5. Create a weekly goal and work on that 'habit' for a full 7 days.  Be creative and honest with what you need to work on.  Here are a few examples from my log:  1)  Drink 2 cups of milk each day. 2)  Do not eat after 6pm.  3) Do 60 minutes of cardio (just for 7 days!) 4) Drink a gallon of water per day 5) Count daily sugar grams 6) Avoid drinking alcohol/wine 7) Exercise before eating first meal of the day. 
  6. DO NOT to weigh yourself everyday!  Our daily weight fluctuates so often because of water intake and water retention.  There is something about weighing yourself every day that can be discouraging, especially if you are doing well on your program, and don't see a loss on the scale.  Measure your losses in other ways.  Try to pick one day a week to 'weigh in', and stick to it. And even if you only see a 1/2 pound weight loss in a week, celebrate it! Remember,  muscle weighs 3x's more than body fat but takes up less space. Also, having more muscle increases your body's metabolism so you'll burn more calories throughout the day, even while you sleep.
  7. Push yourself! Even though you may have gotten your workout in for the day, do some extra repetitions of upper body exercises with dumbbells or lunges/squats while you watch your favorite tv program. Extra kudos to you if do plank/core exercises during one full commercial break. 
  8. Track negative emotions in your journal. As you track your exercise, and new habits, it's very important to track negative emotions when you recognize them.  Where are they coming from?  What is at the root? What do you do when discouragement comes?  Have a positive plan in place to help keep you  from emotional eating. Go for a walk. Say a prayer. Remind yourself that you are worth it!  Write yourself  an encouraging letter that focuses on your future goals and read it as often as you need to.
  9. Keep your eye on the prize. Keep a folder of inspirational, weight loss, success stories.  Read daily to keep you moving forward towards your goals and to encourage you when you feel stuck.

Keeping the Right Perspective

I am happy in my life.  Even with the excess weight, I always knew that my value was not tied  to the number on the scale.  It's important that you feel good about who you are on the inside, recognizing that weight loss does not equal happiness. My new reality includes daily cycling/cardiosculpt classes, and eating baby carrots with hummus.  My energy has returned, and slowly, but surely, I  am starting to see changes. Changes not always seen on the scale, but changes that matter.  Goodbye Muffin Top.............hello six pack abs.  (totally kidding on that last line.....:)

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